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Annual Membership Meeting

The ONC Annual Membership meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 11AM AKDT by phone or on Zoom.

Ways to register:

- Online at

- By phone, Self-Governance Director Sophie Swope, 907-543-0501

- By email

  • A February draft agenda is posted at An update is requested. 

  • Vote by secret mail-in ballot. 

  • We are told only Bethel resident adult ONC members will be allowed to vote based on a reading of the current 2002 Constitution which is in conflict with the 2016 Ordinance 96-2 passed unanimously by Council and signed into law by then Chair Walter Jim and then Secretary Robert Lekander and not yet fully implemented or updated. The 2002 Constitution is also in conflict with the 2003 Ordinance 96-1(a) passed by membership in 2003 and signed into law by Chair Hunter and then Secretary Ray Watson. 





  • Quorum is understood to be a minimum of 25% of Bethel resident adult ONC members. This is down 41% from an earlier â…” requirement.  Note: important members who are Bethel residents make up just over half of ONC citizens.

Quorum now
Quorum at former 2/3 requirement

Calls To Action

  • Review the agenda

  • SHOW UP!

  • Be prepared to add your ideas and recommendations

  • VOTE if you have not been disenfranchised by our Council!

  • Encourage others to attend, vote, and participate

  • Talk to your family, friends, and fellow tribal citizens about issues and dreams

  • Contact ONC or Council members or  or with questions

Tough Questions

  • Is “inactive” our best term to describe ONC citizens who live outside of Bethel?

  • What are quorum and voting trends across time (since 2002 and after Ordinance 96-2 was authorized in 2016)?

  • How many “bad addresses'' does ONC estimate for tribal citizens? How does this affect the establishment of quorum and voting thresholds? What steps are taken to reduce “bad addresses?”

  • Why isn’t the 2003 Election Ordinance 96-1(a) stating that all adult members shall have a right to vote being followed?

  • Who should be allowed to exercise their voting rights? Tribal decisions have been placed in the hands of an important and yet small portion of our membership. Is this the best approach? How long has this been going on? 

  • Why are voting rights of citizens residing outside of Bethel denied? Was this a 2002 based cost/technology barrier that is negated by our emerging abilities to host virtual meetings and collect virtual ballots? Is there a better way? 

  • Will you support a stance of ongoing member rights of all adult Tribal Members to participate and vote? (This will stop disenfranchisement of a significant portion of our membership)

  • What matters will be brought in front of the full body in April for discussion and vote? When will an updated agenda be posted for member review?

  • When will candidates be announced?

  • When will the write-in candidate opportunity be publicly announced? 

  • How will quorum be established? By whom? When?

  • Who is eligible for CARES funded door prizes for attending?

  • When will ballots with write-in placeholders be available with voting instructions? 

  • How will secure Zoom voting work?

  • Absentee ballot voting?

  • How do members participate with the three member non-council election committee? When did the Council make their selection? Is there a separate Zoom invite available for members who wish to "poll watch?"

  • How will election disputes be handled?

  • How will member input and dialogue be handled on Zoom? What about people without Zoom? Will a how-to guide be published?

  • How will social distancing and COVID safety be carried out?

  • Considering the breadth and magnitude of improvements needed, should the Council elected Secretary and Treasurer position be separated to ensure Council oversight and stewardship to the level and detail required to build capacity and grow our programs and services while also protecting the tribe and all citizens? 

What Can We Learn From Other Tribal Nations?


Don Horter Photographs, Anchorage Museum, B2014.016.838.

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